
補充本429 主到我這裡來

主阿,在那清晨, 你去海邊等待彼得;
主阿,在那正午, 你在路上等待保羅;
在我的日子裡, 你忽來到我的生命。
你來臨如強光, 那片光明不能抵擋;
我真無法解釋, 天天疑惑,天天相信,
我真無法解釋, 天天疑惑,天天相信。
時走在大草原, 聽見親愛牧者柔聲;
時走在山谷間, 智慧領路暫時離開;
時被帶到海上, 愛我的主竟然睡著。
往前的每一步, 常在冒險、驚喜之中;
從來沒見過祂, 天天糢糊,天天清明,
從來沒見過祂, 天天糢糊,天天清明。
每天非我所願, 日子多麼富於挑戰,
不許安逸、自憐, 與人同情,與人同行;
祂供應生命糧、 生命活水、一切動力。
帶人走出黑暗, 多少生命因此轉換;
祂能力來覆庇, 天天怯場,天天強壯,
祂能力來覆庇, 天天怯場,天天強壯。
你許凡愛你者, 一生充滿多少矛盾,
似乎不為人知, 卻是誠實,人所共知,
似乎即將喪命, 卻是復活,歡呼得生。
在己裡有痛楚, 在你裡面無量豐富;
瓦器裡有寶貝, 天天羞辱,天天榮耀,
瓦器裡有寶貝, 天天羞辱,天天榮耀。
從來不曾估量, 平凡的我得此上好,
以你生命活你, 以你性情行事為人,
天天羅曼蒂克, 多采多姿,可泣可歌。
是你極大憐憫, 今生到我這裡來過;
哦,主阿,謝謝你, 今生到我這裡來過,
哦,主阿,謝謝你, 今生到我這裡來過。
One morning, Lord, You went to wait for Peter by the sea;
One midday, on the way, for Saul You waited patiently.
Now suddenly this day, into my life, You’ve come to me.
You’ve come as brightest light; I can’t resist Your shining ray;
I truly can’t explain; I doubt each day, believe each day.
I truly can’t explain; I doubt each day, believe each day.
Sometimes, in pastures green, the Shepherd’s tender voice I hear;
Sometimes, in valleys deep, my Guide, so wise, may disappear;
Sometimes, upon the sea, my loving Lord asleep appears;
Adventure and surprise at every step along the way;
I’ve never seen His face; so blurry, yet so clear each day.
I’ve never seen His face; so blurry, yet so clear each day.
Each day, not as I will, so many challenges I see;
I need not easy life, self-pity, friends, or sympathy;
All power, living bread, and living water, He supplies;
He transforms many lives, transferred from darkness into light;
Pow’r tabernacles o’er; I am afraid, yet strong each day.
Pow’r tabernacles o’er; I am afraid, yet strong each day.
What contradictions fill the lives of all those who love You;
To men we seem unknown, yet really we are well-known too;
As dying, we rejoice in resurrection vict’ry true.
In self we’ve only pain; yet boundless wealth in You we gain.
Treasure in vessel clay; dishonor, glory every day.
Treasure in vessel clay; dishonor, glory every day.
I never can assess how I, so common, gained the best;
I live You, by Your life; my walk Your nature manifests;
Each day romance I find; wondrous, with tears and song entwined!
’Tis Your great mercy, Lord, that You have come into my life!
Oh! Thank You! Thank You, Lord! Now You have come into my life!
Oh! Thank You! Thank You, Lord! Now You have come into my life!

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